EdgeRank is an algorithm which is defined by Facebook which filters the news feeds to a FB users based on parameters. These parameters are later sum by the below formula.

This image is shown on most of the blog posts which explains EdgeRank Algorithm.
The edge rank algorithm is explained in terms of Fb Page rather than user.
u = it the number of times user and page interacts.
w= The weight of priority of the user in terms of page. The higher the u higher the w
d= Time between the user and page has interacted. The longer the time less the d.
We can come to conclusion that number of likes to a fan page is not the priority but the number active users would increase the page views of the fan page. Hence increasing the visibility of the page.
One of our client had not more than 60 like in his page views but still was able to achieve 13k page views in 45 days.
It is important to interact more with users rather than finding new users.
This image is shown on most of the blog posts which explains EdgeRank Algorithm.
The edge rank algorithm is explained in terms of Fb Page rather than user.
u = it the number of times user and page interacts.
w= The weight of priority of the user in terms of page. The higher the u higher the w
d= Time between the user and page has interacted. The longer the time less the d.
We can come to conclusion that number of likes to a fan page is not the priority but the number active users would increase the page views of the fan page. Hence increasing the visibility of the page.
One of our client had not more than 60 like in his page views but still was able to achieve 13k page views in 45 days.
It is important to interact more with users rather than finding new users.