Saturday, September 12, 2009

Growth of Social media since 9/11

As we all remember that 9/11 is a date which will change the lives of not only Americans but the whole world. I would rather not go into how it changed America socially but the one thing which has changed since 9/11 is the internet.

I was browsing for some regular updates on my google reader and I found that what would social media(twitter, Facebook, mySpace, Orkut) responded to such an incident like 9/11. This article made me realize that we have come a long way from being internet users to being internet citizens. The tremendous growth in terms of broadband to the internet penetration all around the world but not only in america.

The term social media was not in existence when 9/11 took place. The forerunner of social networking sites was the first on scene. Then Myspace came into picture, then began a revolution of websites which not only became an applications of social media but made internet users into internet socially relevant citizens